Citywide Early Childhood Research Roundtable

The research roundtable series is a bimonthly virtual meeting space — an informal way for researchers, evaluators, and analysts to connect and support one another by offering friendly, constructive feedback on works-in-progress.

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Join us as we connect Chicago’s early childhood researchers, evaluators, and analysts.

The Citywide Early Childhood Research Roundtable, hosted by the Early Childhood Research Alliance of Chicago (EC*REACH), will take place Wednesday, January 29 at 12:00-1:00p on Zoom.

Meet our Presenters

Leah Gjertson and Nick Mader, both Senior Research Scientists with NORC at the University of Chicago, will present on patterns of child care subsidy take-up across Illinois counties and Child Care Resource & Referral(CCR&R) regions. Using 2023 data, administrative records of childcare subsidy participation are combined with population estimates of young children living in families that are eligible for these subsidies. The population estimates are produced using a new, open-source statistical method for the Estimation of Local Populations Eligible for Programs (ELPEP). By relying on administrative data and statistical estimates that can be readily updated, the findings from this work can track trends and inform efforts to increase and ensure the equitability of take-up in the child care subsidy program (Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)). 

Learn more about EC*REACH's Roundtable series 

EC*REACH Citywide Early Childhood Research Roundtables are informal, virtual gatherings of Chicago researchers, evaluators, and analysts whose work focuses on young children and/or their families. All early childhood topics, disciplinary approaches, methodologies, and questions big or small are welcome. Please come prepared to provide friendly and constructive feedback to your colleagues.   

One of our main goals for these Roundtables is to provide the Chicago early childhood research community with an informal space to connect and learn from colleagues across universities and institutions that has not previously existed. Moreover, our Roundtables are unique in that they bring together those who study a range of early childhood topics and have diverse disciplinary approaches, methodologies, and research questions.


Do you have work in progress or an idea that you want feedback on?

If you are interested in presenting and receiving feedback on your work at a future Roundtable, please contact Maia Connors at The work you share need not be about Chicago, but we do ask that it is still in progress and that you are open to feedback. In your email, please provide a brief description of your project, what kind of feedback you are looking for, how long you expect to need (a whole or half meeting). If you are working with any policy or practice partners, please confirm that it is okay with them that you share the work with this group.

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