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Illinois Network of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) Data & Reports
The Illinois Network of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) website hosts a collection of reports and publications produced by INCCRRA or that have been significantly impacted by data and/or analysis conducted by INCCRRA, as well as a data request form. INCCRRA data inlcude a variety topics related to child care in Illinois.
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United States Census data for the city of Chicago
The United States Census website is a powerful tool that allows users to access, filter, and download thousands of data tables; maps; city, county, and state profiles; and reports. These resources include a variety of data that come from the decennial census as well as the annual American Community Survey. By manipulating the filters applied to various data tables, you can access detailed information about the population of very young children in Chicago.
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Chicago Community Area Geographic Boundaries
Current geographic boundaries can be viewed on the Chicago Data Portal and exported.
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United States Department of Labor National Database of Childcare Prices
The National Database of Childcare Prices provides childcare prices at the county level and includes price data by provider type, age of children, and county characteristics. You can download maps or Excel files containing the price data.
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Head Start Program Information Report
The Head Start Enterprise System (HSES) provides data on Office of Head Start (OHS) grantees. It includes information gathered as part of the annual Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) on the services, staff, children, and families served by Head Start and Early Head Start programs across the U.S. To access Chicago Head Start data, create an account by emailing help@hsesinfo.org. You can then click on All Users: PIR Reports. You should click the Downloads option next to the Reports and Feedback options on the navigation bar to access the data, not the reports. Once in the downloads section, you can download historical and current data as Excel files. Once inside the Excel files, you can filter by city and select Chicago.
Resources for...
Illinois Action for Children Data
Illinois Action for Children's Data and Research collection includes datasets about the number and capacity of childcare programs as well as demographic and eligibility information about the Cook County's child population sourced from the census. Datasets are available by zip code, municipality, and Chicago Community Area and community level data profiles are available for Chicago Community Areas and Legislative Districts.
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ISBE Unfilled Positions Report Card
The Illinois State Board of Education unfilled positions datasets and dashboard contain information about unfilled instructional, administrative, and support positions in schools. This data is collected through an annual survey and is available at the county, district, and school level along with details about the specific positions and roles that are unfilled as of October 1st of the reporting year.
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Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map (IECAM)
The Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map provides data on Early Childhood Service Types, Head Start Programs, Licensed and Licensed Exempt Child Care centers with ExceleRate ratings for Licensed Centers, Family Child Care Homes, IDHS Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), Child Care Program Accreditation, Child Care Centers and Homes Providing School Age Care, IDHS Child and Adolescent Health, IDHS Bureau of Childhood Development Home Visiting Programs, Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV), IDHS Early Intervention, and State Population demographics.
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Child Welfare Information Gateway
The Child Welfare Information Gateway is a service of the Children’s Bureau within the Administration for the Children and Families of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It provides information for child welfare professionals, service providers, and families to support positive outcomes for all. This information includes publications, research, laws and policies, prevention, child abuse and neglect, adoption, search and reunion, and equity.
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Chicago Health Atlas
The Chicago Health Atlas is a publicly available database that fosters public participation in reviewing, exploring and comparing health-related data over time and across communities, including information about clinical care, physical environment, morbidity, social and economic factors, health behaviors, demographics, and mortality. In addition, the Chicago Health Atlas provides a place for residents to gauge progress of the implementation of Healthy Chicago, the citywide plan to improve health equity.
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Chicago Data Portal Public Safety
The Chicago Data Portals Public Safety database provides information on arrests, copa cases, crimes, sex offenders, police and fire stations, and more. You can access a particular data set by searching directly for it in the search bar provided on the site or by clicking on one of the categories described above. You can download the data as tables or create maps and graphs on the site.
Resources for...
Chicago Data Portal Health and Human Services
The Chicago Data Portals Health and Human Services database provides information on Covid-19 cases, community service centers, deaths, and sites, senior centers, several census socioeconomic indicators, workforce centers, and more. You can access a particular data set by searching directly for it in the search bar provided on the site or by clicking on one of the categories described above. You can download the data as tables or create maps and graphs on the site.
Resources for...
ChildCare Aware Illinois Resources
Childcare Aware of America (CCAoA) helps families have access to quality, affordable childcare. Resources include information on child care licensing in the state, child support, healthcare for families, resources for families with children that have special needs, and help with paying for food or heating.
Resources for...
Chicago Early Learning Program Locations
Chicago Early Learning helps individuals and families understand the options available for earlychildhood through CPS and Community-Based Programs. You can use their search tool to find the right program for you an your child. Simply enter your address into the search bar and a list of programs will appear that you can select from.
Resources for...
Chicago Data Portal Education Data
The Chicago Data Portals Education database provides information on Chicago Public Schools Progress Report Cards, connect Chicago locations, the location of libraries and hours of libraries, schools, and more. You can access a particular data set by searching directly for it in the search bar provided on the site or by clicking on one of the categories described above. You can download the data as tables or create maps and graphs on the site.
Resources for...
Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System (CECIDS)
Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System (CECIDS) enables the creation of timely and actionable data insights for families, program administrators, funders, advocates, and policymakers. The CECIDS data dashboard provides information on the number of kids served by subsidized and private pay childcare programs in each Community Area. You can filter by age group, income, labor force participation, provider type, program, community area, and race.
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